In our first article on this topic, we highlighted the process for defining the apps and tools you will require in your eco-system of apps...
Defining your ecosystem of apps and tools
I find that many people have apps and tools that they use that don't work with each other, don't work across platforms and are actually...
10 tips to get the most from social media in your business
In simple terms, social media describes the tools people are using to share text, video, images and information online. From a broadcast medium to a...
Marketing Madness
Why is it that businesses gear up for events such as Christmas, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, Stocktake Sales and then accept that there are...
How effective is your Marketing?
Talking about marketing is one of the most important and time-consuming activities of business owners because we all want the right image for our business...
The Business Leader of the Future – do you have what it takes?
World strategy guru and author, Gary Hamel in his best-selling book “The Future of Management” points out that traditional ways of managing a business are...
6 Rules to Achieving the “Organisation of Your Dreams”
Is it possible to create a company that is the best on earth to work for? Many say that achieving your dream company is considered...
8 key issues to be addressed when learning new skills
Regardless of what your role is in your horticulture business, the rapidly changing business environment requires each of us to be hungry for improvement. This...
How to make profit in a changing market
Making profit is an obligation for all enterprises whether big, small, government, not for profit or private. This obligation is not possible to achieve with...
Finding Opportunities When There are None to Find
How does one steer a person to their potential and then guide them to see a problem as an opportunity? It could be said that...